Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Design Thinking vs. Innovation

Design Thinking & Innovation Go Hand in Hand

There is nothing unique about the design thinking approach
versus the innovation approach. One does lead to the other.
Designing is innovating. Brown’s view of “innovation” follows
Edison’s by which understanding through observation of what
people want and need in their lives and what they like or
dislike about a product or service can be improved.
Inspiration, Ideation and Implementation are the three I’s of
design thinking. One must imagine the world from multiple
cultures and perspectives (Empathy), not rely only on analytical
processes (Integrative thinking), have a positive attitude
(Optimism), believe in new ideas (Experimentation), and
seek out other people’s perspectives to broaden their view
(Collaboration). Brainstorming, sandboxing, (having a beer)
or whatever you wish to call it, leads to design thinking and
innovation since computers only do what they are told and
humans are the major source of creativity.

Greg Burrow

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